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Value-Based Care Delivery Transformation: A Recap of Health Datapalooza

Recently, ChenMed's Chief Quality Officer Dr. Jessica Chen participated in a panel discussion at Health Datapalooza, a conference focused on improving health care by harnessing data. The discussion ("Care Delivery Transformation"), focused on how cutting-edge companies are taking innovative approaches to care delivery.

As the only health care provider on the panel, Dr. Chen shared insights from her work at ChenMed about how a value-based, data-driven model can improve health outcomes. She shared how, at ChenMed, we invest in our patients up front. For seniors most in need of care – those with low-to-moderate incomes or those managing multiple chronic conditions – high-quality health care is too often beyond reach. ChenMed was founded to bring concierge-style medicine – and better health outcomes – to the neediest populations. We do this by getting patients healthy and keeping them that way – leading to fewer days in the hospital and a higher quality of life.

Dr. Chen shared some of the ways ChenMed achieves this. For example, ChenMed physicians spend more time with their patients, and we make a full range of care more convenient, with specialists, medication dispensing, and imaging all on-site at our medical centers. We help patients stay active, with Silver Sneakers and other fitness opportunities in our centers. And we help provide practical nutritional guidance. Plus, our culture of data-driven accountability helps us achieve superior outcomes. As a result, ChenMed patients average 38 percent fewer days in the hospital than the national average.

Other panelists participating included: Kris Gale, co-founder and board member at Clover Health; Paul Roscoe, co-founder and CEO of Docent Health; Nima Ahmadi, VP of product at NovuHealth; and Chris Dawe, VP of transformation at Evolent Health. The panel, and the other conference participants, share ChenMed’s dedication to developing data-driven approaches to health care. Events like this one are important as we see the health care system shift from one that relies on volume to one that is based on value, prioritizing lower health care costs and more healthy days for patients.