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Physician Speaking to Senior Patient
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How Providers Navigate Difficult Conversations with Empathy and Trust

07.23.24 •

Delivering bad news can be challenging even for the most experienced physicians.

Patient-Centered Care
Senior Smiling at Doctor
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Value-Based Care: More Than Just a Buzzword

07.16.24 •

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, few concepts have garnered as much attention—and sometimes skepticism—as value-based care (VBC).

Value-Based Care
Senior Smiling at Camera
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Preventing Hospitalizations Through a Value-Based Care Model

07.09.24 •

Value-based care (VBC) models have gained significant traction in recent years as an 

Value-Based Care
Physician Talking to Patient
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The Role of Trust in Patient-Provider Collaboration

07.02.24 •

Trust forms the foundation of patient-provider relationships, shaping outcomes and satisfaction. In patient-centered care, trust is vital.

Patient-Centered Care
Senior Patient Receiving a Check Up
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Embracing Whole-Person Care: A Shift Toward a Holistic Approach in Medicine

06.25.24 •

Whole-person care is a philosophy of medicine that recognizes that a person is more than their physical body systems or parts.

Patient-Centered Care
Senior Women Laying in Bed Awake
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Addressing Sleep Disorders in Senior Patients: Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment

06.18.24 •

Sleep-related complaints are common for seniors.

Patient-Centered Care
Patient in Physical Therapy
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Chronic Pain Management Without Opioids: A Primary Care Physician's Perspective

06.11.24 •

Chronic pain is a dominant issue in healthcare, especially when caring for older populations that experience a higher incidence of pain or those wi

Patient-Centered Care
Doctor Checking Patient's Heartbeat
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Patient-Centered Care: Strategies for Building Strong Doctor-Patient Relationships

06.04.24 •

Shared decision-making and customized care plans are central to patient-centered care.

Patient-Centered Care