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Telehealth’s Meteoric Rise During COVID-19

Case StudyInfographic

The use of telehealth has accelerated dramatically in the months since COVID-19 descended on the United States. One major indicator: From mid-March to early July, more than 10.1 million Medicare beneficiaries received a telehealth service, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

While doctors are growing more comfortable using telehealth, and patients generally report high satisfaction, access remains a major obstacle for the nation’s oldest and sickest patients. Some 13 million older adults may have difficulty connecting with telehealth services, according to a recent National Health and Aging Trends Study.

  • What factors make older patients “unready” for telehealth?
  • What potential does telehealth hold for the future of American healthcare?

Find out more about the promise — and the peril — of telehealth adoption in the United States.

Download our infographic now.