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Blog Post 030723
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3 Ways to Strengthen Provider-Patient Relationships for Better Care Outcomes

03.07.23 •

Research shows that strong provider

Health Outcomes
Blog Post 030323
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Curiosity Over Criticism: The Key to Personalizing Quality Primary Care

03.03.23 •

In theory, healthcare delivery is about three things: disease prevention, curing disease, and, if the first two are beyond the bounds of possibilit

Patient-Centered Care
Blog Post 022823
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What Drives Racial Disparities in U.S. Healthcare?

02.28.23 •

Research increasingly shows that communities of color in the United States, including American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN), Black, Native Hawai

Health Equity
Blog Post 022423
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Bringing Humanity Back to Healthcare

02.24.23 •

When one medical resident experienced his first code blue, the hospital emergency code used for the critical status of a patient, he had an aha mom

Patient-Centered Care
02.21.23 Blog Post
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How Do Social Determinants of Health Affect Care Outcomes?

02.21.23 •

Did you know that clinical care only has about a 10% to

Health Equity
The Heart of Value-Based Care: Combating the Deadliest Disease in America
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The Heart of Value-Based Care: Combating the Deadliest Disease in America

02.17.23 •

Heart disease tops the list of most-deadly diseases but also tops the chart for the most expensive disease in the United States.

Value-Based Care
A Transformative Approach to Easing Specialist Burnout
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A Transformative Approach to Easing Specialist Burnout

02.14.23 •

Recently, we’ve talked a lot about burnout among primary care physicians. Yet it’s important to note that specialists are suffering, too.

Physician Culture
Can Integrative and Conventional Medicine Co-Exist?
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Can Integrative and Conventional Medicine Co-Exist?

02.10.23 •

American healthcare is irrefutably a world leader in life-saving interventions such as someone experiencing a heart attack, saving someone’s life a

Patient-Centered Care