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ChenMed Blog

We're transforming healthcare and addressing some of the most challenging issues.

How Providers Navigate Difficult Conversations with Empathy and Trust


Delivering bad news can be challenging even for the most experienced physicians.

Patient-Centered Care

Value-Based Care: More Than Just a Buzzword


In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, few concepts have garnered as much attention—and so

Value-Based Care

Preventing Hospitalizations Through a Value-Based Care Model


Value-based care (VBC) models have gained significant traction in recent years as an 

Value-Based Care

The Role of Trust in Patient-Provider Collaboration


Trust forms the foundation of patient-provider relationships, shaping outcomes and satisfaction.

Patient-Centered Care

Embracing Whole-Person Care: A Shift Toward a Holistic Approach in Medicine


Whole-person care is a philosophy of medicine that recognizes that a person is more than their ph

Patient-Centered Care

Addressing Sleep Disorders in Senior Patients: Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment


Sleep-related complaints are common for seniors.

Patient-Centered Care